Hello & Welcome
Welcome to Camby Community Church. When you visit, please take time to check in at our welcome booth. Pastor Brad would like the opportunity to get to know you and answer any questions you may have about our church, either in person or on the phone. Feel free to call the church office or indicate on the attendance form in the pew pad.
Sunday School: 9:15 am
Camby Kids' Ministry: 10:15 am
Worship: 10:30 am
Facebook Live Stream: 10:30 am
Camby Student Ministry: 6:30 pm -
At Camby Community Church, we strive to make our Sunday service the highlight of your week. Join our loving, friendly congregation, with inspirational worship music and biblical preaching that can be applied to your everyday life.
We offer coffee for Sunday School and between services. We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!
We want you to feel comfortable. Whether jeans and a t-shirt, business casual or suit and tie, you'll fit in fine.
In accordance with our belief that Jesus taught us to regularly remember His sufferings and death and gave us the bread and cup as reminders, we offer communion the first Sunday of every month. We practice open communion, meaning anyone who has surrendered their life to Christ is welcome to participate with us.
We offer a nursery for infants and toddlers and morning programming for kids from Pre-K through 5th grade, where they can worship and deepen their understanding of God! When you arrive, your child will be checked in and given a name tag with a unique number. If we need to reach you during the service, we’ll use that number to contact you.
We encourage our middle and high school students to sit with their parents Sunday mornings. Youth group meets Sunday evenings from 6pm - 8pm Visit our student page for more information.
View our Statement of Faith for more information.